[title size=”3″ style=”line” align=”center” padding_bottom=”10″]Custom Lists (using FontAwesome icons!)[/title]
[center]Any FontAwesome icon can be used and colored to make your lists more appealing.[/center]
[divider height=”20″]
[one_fourth last=”no”]
[list type=”check”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
[one_fourth last=”no”]
[list type=”thumbs-up”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
[one_fourth last=”no”]
[list icon=”thumbs-down”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
[one_fourth last=”yes”]
[list type=”circle”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
[divider height=”40″]
[one_fourth last=”no”]
[list type=”flag” icon_color=”primary”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
[one_fourth last=”no”]
[list type=”info-circle” icon_color=”purple”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
[one_fourth last=”no”]
[list type=”check” icon_color=”blue”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
[one_fourth last=”yes”]
[list type=”heart” icon_color=”coral”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
[divider height=”40″]
[title size=”3″ style=”line” align=”center” padding_bottom=”20″]Standard Lists[/title]
[one_half last=”no”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
- Item #3a
- Item #3b
- Item #4
[one_half last=”yes”]
- Item #1
- Item #2
- Item #3
- Item #3a
- Item #3b
- Item #4
[divider height=”40″]
List Shortcode
Standard lists are created by simply using the „visual” editor in WordPress. To create a custom list, do the same, then wrap with the list shortcode as seen below…
[list icon=”” icon_color=””]
<li>Item #1</li>
<li>Item #2</li>
<li>Item #3</li>
icon: (please see: fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/)
icon_color: (default: same as text), primary (from Theme Options), red, orange, yellow, green, coral, blue, purple, brown, black, dark, gray/grey… or use a hex color code like „#00A0BF”
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